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As a credit union, SCCU cares about our community and our members. One of our favorite ways to give back is through scholarships!

At SCCU, we believe that embracing what makes us different fuels innovation and growth. That’s why we’re excited to offer $10,000 in scholarships, providing ten $1,000 awards to high school and college students who embody this spirit. Our “Different is Better” theme celebrates the unique perspectives and creative approaches that drive progress. If you’re ready to make a difference, we invite you to apply and share how your uniqueness can shape the future.

Our Values

core values-11-01

Dare to Care

Go above and be beyond, pay attention to the details, give a little extra

core values-11-03

Drive Forward Momentum

Focus and work toward growth

core values-11-02

Be Accountable

Take responsibility, rise to expectations

core values-11-04

Hit Heavy, Stay Humble

Stay Humble- Be bold and make moves, but remember your roots

Ideas for Application Submissions

With the theme Different Is Better, SCCU would like to know more about YOU and see your personality through your application. Essays are accepted, but we encourage you to be creative, show us your hobbies, what are you working to or trying to get better at, and of course what makes you happy? If you have a project that isn't one of ideas listed below, that's perfect! We want to see it! The ideas are there to help you with a starting point.

Art Piece

Art Piece





Industrial Crafts

Industrial Crafts







About Scholarships


Must be:

  • A member at SCCU.
  • A high school senior or currently enrolled college student


Submit your project online through our application and follow this years theme: Different is Better.

If you have a project that’s physical, bring it by your local branch!


A Scholarship Committee will select recipients based on the unique projects and answers submitted in their application. The decision of the Scholarship Selection Committee is final and not subject to review.


April 15th, 2025 @ 11:59pm.


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    March 15th

    Applications open

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    April 15th

    Applications Due

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    May 3rd

    Winners are announced

Apply for a scholarship