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What to bring to your Credit Session

○ 3 recent Pay Stubs for each job
○ 3 recent statements for all recurring bills

  • Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Phone
  • etc.

○ Recent statement for each loan or line of credit

  • Credit Card
  • Auto Loans
  • Rec Loans
  • Personal Loans
  • Mortgage
  • Etc.

○ Outstanding Bills

  • Medical
  • Repairs
  • Etc.

○ Checking Account Statements for the last 3 months

If Applicable:

  • Letters from creditors
  • Judgements
  • garnishment
  • disclosures
  • statements showing income or property
  • Tax arrears, age, notice
  • Tax lien or levy

New Branch Hours: Some of our branch hours have changed Click Here for More Details